So, who is The Pissed Off Barber and why should we care?

Written by Ev Luna-Rose
12 November 2018

Let’s be clear, I have no bloody clue who is behind the Nicholas Cage Eagle-haired persona, but if you have no idea what the hell I’m talking about then you should really check out his page.

The Pissed Off Barber (or TPOB as he or she… but let’s be honest, it’s probably he, has been called), is a social media sensation who has gained over 13 thousand followers since late July.

Tagging unfortunate barbers into his Instagram posts and memes, he exposes exactly what he (and quite a few other people) are thinking. Now yes, he does single people out and troll them unashamedly, but is he doing it to everyone? Yes.

That’s the point! TPOB targets anyone and everyone, no holds barred: product companies, customers, educators, apprentices, great barbers, shoddy barbers, and let’s face it, potentially even himself to throw us off the scent. People love him, people hate him: either way, people are talking about him, getting his logo shaved into the back of their heads and even tattoos of him!

Now, TPOB is not the first vigilante to don the mask and spread ‘the truth’. I’m not talking about Batman, I’m talking about Banksy. The political street artist, who has recently been in the news thanks to a clever self-shredding painting, Girl with Balloon, is well known for not being known.

Anonymity is something that has intrigued society for years, from Jack the Ripper to now, The Pissed Off Barber. I’m not at all saying that TPOB is a serial killer, I’m just saying that when people don’t know the person behind the story it makes them so much bigger!

For example, Anonymous, the international hacktivist group that have orchestrated several attacks against governments, companies, agencies… the list goes on. What makes these people so strong? Again, it’s the fact that we have no bloody clue who they are, but they are working together to push change whilst wearing that V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask. They keep their faces hidden not only to protect their identity from the authorities but also to be a faceless representation of the people. This group takes the term “Keyboard Warrior” flips it on its head all in the name of the fight for good (or their opinion of what good is).

The mystery allows our imagination to spiral into places we could never have dreamed and when we do eventually find out who these people are, like we apparently did with both Banksy and Jack the Ripper earlier this year, we are left feeling deflated. “Oh, they’re just a person.”

Not knowing that Spider-Man is just a teenager gives him so much more power. But with that power comes responsibility. Although, I find so many of TPOB’s memes funny, every now and then, they anger me and not why you might think: when there is a sexist or homophobic undertone, that definitely gets to me. “Satire”, I hear you call and that’s great, I will happily acknowledge that but what angers me is that fact that so many people following nod along and think that it is meant as a validated opinion! But that’s just what he’s there for right? To get a rise out of us! His public and followers.

But that’s not the only thing. Barbering has changed a lot with social media: egos have grown, photoshopping has almost become part-and-parcel of a barbers life and there are no regulations whatsoever so any Tom, Dick or Harry can say they’re a barber. Whilst a lot of barbers may talk about this within their friendship group or shop, TPOB is screaming it from the rooftop of his News Feed. He keeps the “big players” in check by taking the piss out of their online presence whilst also growing his own. It’s genius! He’s even making money by selling T-shirts to other pissed off barbers around the world and we’re seeing his stickers on so many Insta Stories. (I’m not going to lie, when I saw he only had a couple of small T-shirts left I bought one!)

The internet is an amazing place where we can learn, make connections and grow as a society. But some times you just want to lie in bed and scroll through memes. In a world where Internet Anonymity is no longer a thing, let’s just snort air through our noses at The Pissed Off Barber’s most recent post and hope his next victim has a good sense of humour.

Although I do hope that he remains the myth and doesn’t de-mask himself to show us he is only human. Because who likes people anyway?

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